Lone Hill Church
5055 Lone Hill Rd
Los Gatos, California 95032
We Are Located One Block North of Leigh High School
Understanding the Bible and Its Teachings
Lone Hill Church is accurately described as a “Bible church.” The church’s leadership believes that one of our primary goals must be to teach the Bible. To accomplish this, we offer many opportunities to read and increase one’s understanding of God’s Word, including a weekly Bible study.
In this section of the Lone Hill Church website, you will find a number of resources for understanding the Bible and its teachings. We believe it is truly God’s Word, and that it has been given to us so that we can personally know God the Father through His Son, Jesus Christ. Through faith in Jesus, we can be sure that we will spend eternity with God in heaven.
Lone Hill Church Publications
- The Fruits of the Spirit (PDF)
- The Doctrine and a Paradigm of Providence (PDF)
- What We Do When We Partake of the Lord’s Supper (PDF)
- The Final Judgement in the New Testament (PDF)
- A Plan for Interrupting Negative Thought Progressions (PDF)
- Basics About Spiritual Gifts (PDF)
- Repentance—A Resolute Change of Direction (PDF)
- Who is Jesus? (PDF)
- When to Judge and When Not to Judge? (PDF)
Anger Series
- Righteous & Unrighteous Anger (PDF)
- The Nature of Anger (PDF)
- A Case Study of Anger (PDF)
- Anger & Forgiveness (PDF)
- How to Deal With Your Anger (PDF)
To Learn More Use the Resource Links Below